Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

It has become more clear to me in the last few months how much opportunity there is for division between women, tired of fighting, and the trans community, also tired of fighting.

I’ve been pondering a lot about how we can fight FOR one another, instead of against one another.

I don’t have answers. I tackled some of my current thoughts about it in my most recent post.

I know all too well how tiresome it is to have to fight for a fair and just world while also being pummeled.

My hope is that you will hear many tiny voices rising up to support you and call out the beauty in your gifts to humanity; the beauty in our collective humanity. I even dare to hope that those voices will bring you some rest, some peace, even if only for a moment. 💐

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Thank you. Would you post a link to your post?

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Sep 11Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)


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Sep 11Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

My husband was trans. It was one of my favorite things about him! That he had the courage to radically transform until he felt like himself! His daily mantra was: "Surprise me." I never met a braver human. I was with him in his hospital bed while he passed away in 2020. As with everything else, he met the transition at the end with grace and dignity.

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Thank you for sharing these tender words and experiences. He sounds really amazing.

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Sep 11Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Yes. Thank you.

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Sep 11Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Trans people love ourselves when we embrace that self love looks different, feels different for each of us.

Like so much of our experience, the path is followed as it is forged, and that strength is the delightful surprise residing within each of us.

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Sep 12Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

thank you. i'll think about how to add to the list, but for right now i just wanted to say thank you. i was feeling depleted and this article helped give me a little lift. and yes, the Olympics, damnit. I steered clear this year and was sad to feel like I might have to do that to keep myself safe. Even peripherally I heard too much transphobia; too much! I had to duck and cover for a while.

note sure what category this would best fit into, but self love for me last night looked like painting my transAF nails while watching the debate with a friend.

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Taking care of ourselves comes with a cost, too, and the isolation can hit hard. I know it has impacted me severely.

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Sep 12Liked by Pavini Moray, Robin Taylor (he/him)

Trans people love ourselves

Loving myself through transition was a love I didn’t know I had. I could love myself enough to listen to my truth and my authentic experience even if it would make other people uncomfortable, angry or frightened. I could love myself enough to trust the mystery of what I was here to learn in this lifetime. I could love myself enough to trust that I would find others who would love me too.

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I love your love.

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